Duathlon Nationals was the end of my 2013 racing season, I was SO ready for some time off! Coach Jen and I decided that I would take off the month of November from training and get back into it in December. The past 2 years I’ve taken longer than that, but I don’t feel the need for it this year, plus it’s just too much time for me.
What have I been up to for the last few weeks?? I’ve slept a lot, eaten even more (I’ve gone hard on some chocolate), stayed relatively active with some easy workouts to keep me moving, and just embraced the offseason. I know I’ve done the offseason right when I was excited to get back at it this morning and feeling a little “clunky.” 😉
Here are some highlights of the last few weeks…

Marks are from Gua Sha and cupping, not acupuncture. And yeah, I know it looks awful but it feels AMAZING! Google it. Go see Kyla Boles at Urban Acupuncture, she’s crazy good.

5ks always hurt, but when you’re not in your best shape they hurt REAL bad. Truth.
And last but not least, my new toy…
A Trek 2014 Crockett! I need to get back into training if for no other reason than it stops me from shopping. But, I LOVE IT!! Cross is on my 2014 racing schedule anyway, so why not get some time on it this winter? Yep, that’s my reason and I’m sticking to it 😉
There you have it, my offseason. It is honestly just as important as key training months in my opinion. It was fun, relaxing, and just what I needed to fuel me for 2014…time to get moving!